EKOS Climate Positive Qualmark Gold - Light Footprint, Safe and Sound, Warm Welcome
Covid Clean Approved - Endorsed by Qualmark

Luxury & Exclusive Tours

Tours that are available on an exclusive or private basis only

Private Tours

A select number of predetermined journeys are operated on a private basis only or guests can Trust the Guide to seek out activities or features to cater for any specific interest. Most Exclusive luxury options can be flexible enough to adapt to time or fitness constraints. ALL SCHEDULED TOURS CAN BE EXCLUSIVE.

Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand Wine, Art & Wilderness tours New Zealand