Nelson is the lucky province surrounded by mountains, National Parks, Reserves and the sea. The diverse and beautiful landscape of Nelson, New Zealand is a virtual magnet for artists and with the highest sunshine hours it is one of the country’s best producers of wine, hops and boutique beer, fruit and vegetables and sea food.
Using the time allowance as a guide Visitors can create their own day by selecting from any of the following Nelson Activities:
Nelson has long been considered a food bowl for New Zealand, and the food grown here speaks of the country. Name any non-tropical fruit and vegetable and it will be growing in Nelson. It’s also the home of King Salmon, mussel farms and the biggest fishing fleet in Australasia. The perfect place for a huge range of natural and processed food such as jams oils, chips, honey, and cheeses.
Allow 1-2 hours
This is hop territory so no New Zealand beer tour could be complete without a visit to the Nelson Tasman region. The only place in New Zealand where hops are grown commercially has become the country’s craft brewing centre with more than 12 craft breweries.
Allow 1-4 hours
Nelson family owned wineries and vineyards are world class limited only by their boutique size.
Allow 5-6 hours
Nelson celebrates being the Art centre of New Zealand and the galleries in and around Nelson clearly showcase why the city is a giant culture magnet attracting both artists and visitors in a fusion of creativity that exists all year round.
Allow 5-6 hours
Visitors usually consider this the best market they’ve ever discovered. The locals already know! A must on any Saturday morning is to experience the innovative creativity of the region and savour the delicious flavours of Nelson amongst a bustling and vibrant atmosphere.
Allow 1-2 hours Saturday morning only
The World of WearableArt™ and Classic Cars Museum is an iconic, must see, Nelson visitor attraction that celebrates two distinctly different passions. A world class collection of classic cars can be viewed alongside incredible wearable works of art from all around the globe.
Allow 1-2 hours
An adventure playground famous for the Skywire where you can soar like a bird in a safe activity the whole family can enjoy.
Allow 3-4 hours
Imagine a place where native plants and animals thrive, without threat from introduced pests – alive with birdsong, where rare species such as kiwi, tuatara and kakapo roam freely, where visitors can see native flora and fauna close to home.. Waimarama Sanctuary is a community-based initiative working to create a pest-free wildlife sanctuary.
Allow 3-4 hours
Nelson, surrounded by bush clad foothills, sanctuaries, estuaries, islands and open coast is the perfect place for a large range of birds.
Times vary
For gardening and nature enthusiasts, you’ll want to be guided around the area to marvel at the unique blend of native and exotic plants on show. There are many historic homesteads that are host to fantastic gardens as well as public gardens with a collection of English, Japanese, and Chinese influences, as well as Gardens of the World.
Allow 2-3 hours
The diverse and unique landscapes around Nelson lend themselves perfectly to film locations.
Times vary